Wednesday, April 13, 2011

So much to say, but...

There aren't enough words.  I have been busting my butt trying to get fans and publicity for my mom's new business  and trying to find a name for this little bundle of joy that's kicking the crap out of me, and trying to keep up with the upkeep around here, and hell, keeping up with Dante might be a full time job in and of itself.

We had to clean up and de-clutter for an inspection (one of the fine print notes on our lease) and now that it's downright sparkling in here, it's been easier to maintain.  It was nice to just do a load of dishes and suddenly my minuscule kitchen looked better.  Still getting Dante to figure out how to put his toys back in their boxes has been an interesting lesson in futility.  He has been mostly good, but he's still prone to just taking one of the boxes or hampers and just dumping them.  Then he'll stand up and lift his arms, like he painted the Mona Lisa.  I should teach him how to say "TA DA!"

And to prove to me that he is a little genius, this morning, out of nowhere, he stuck his hand in his Onesie and said "IN" then took it out and said "OUT!"  After his first nap (he's back to two a day for the time being), he looked at his Dr. Seuss workbook, pointed at the word, and said "MAN."  I nearly passed out.  He's getting too smart!  I'm waiting for him to be watching Real Time With Bill Maher with me and he'll just chime in with a snarky comment.  Wow.  He's too fantastic for words!

I feel incredibly lucky.  It's like I won the Poor Man's Lottery.  I am happily married.  I have a smart, gorgeous son.  I will have a new little girl to take care of by the end of the summer.  I have incredible friends and family.  Now all I need is to hit the ACTUAL lottery, and I can get a car that isn't on its deathbed and a house that no one will inspect but my Gramma.  (And I'm ok with that!  That would mean she's here!)

So, I have chicken to defrost and I need to get all the stuff together to fry some drumsticks and I think I'll make mashers and corn to go with it...YUM!

And on another note, I really hope all is well with my surrogate nephew.  He's such an awesome young man....

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