Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Day: A Letter to the Kiddos

Dearest Dante and Scarlett,

I wish there were words for how much I really love you guys.  The two of you make the insomnia, excessive coffee drinking and mom jeans totally worth it.  As grumpy as I may be most mornings, I'm just wired that way.  I might not be happy to be awake, but I am so very happy that I am your Mama!

Let's see...Dante.  This year, your ability to communicate has blown me away on a level I was afraid we'd never get to, to be honest.  But every day, you surprise me just a little bit more.  The fact you can call "bullsh*t" at just the right time blows my mind.  But that's a Mama word.  None for you.

Joking aside, Dante, you are incredible!  You learn and grow in so many ways, I love that I get to sit back and watch as you willfully navigate your way through life.  You, sweet monkey, really are going to be a Leader of Men, and I can't wait to see how you use it.  You have been a pretty awesome big brother, and you took Scarlett's arrival into our lives with a kind of grace and humility that most toddlers are not known for.  I am so very proud of you.

I love hearing you sing!  I love that out of nowhere you pick up song lyrics and mangle and manipulate them until they bend to your will, and you dance while you do it.  That's so much fun to watch!  You make me laugh every day, and I am so happy that you are looking forward to school later this year.  I hope that you love learning as much as I do, regardless of whether or not it involves desks and damp hallways.  I have the feeling that you are going to make the world your classroom.  But, please bring me along for the ride.  I want to take pictures.

Scarlett!  You stunning little girl!!  Every time you smile at me, my heart melts!  While it is obvious by the way you look at your dad that you merely tolerate me, I hope you know how incredibly special you are!  You already have very obvious likes and dislikes, and your facial expressions lead me to believe that you are going to be a witty little thing.  You are already set in your ways, and you have trained me well.  I guess when you are running your own research facility, that ability will come quite in handy.  You, my sweet little turtle, are quite the happy baby for the most part, though, and I wouldn't have it any other way.  Your laughter, your smile, your to my poor, ravaged soul.

I'm still a bit flabbergasted as to how you figured out how to give your brother the stink-eye, Miss Thang.  You will shoot him a look that makes me glad looks can't kill!  I have the feeling that if you could talk, I'd hear a lot of commentary that would put you on par with George Carlin, Ricky Gervais, and Louis C.K.  Seriously, sweet cheeks, you have one of the most expressive faces I've ever seen.

And thank you for being such a cuddle bug.  I hope this lasts, because the feel of you on my shoulder, drool and all, makes my innards do a little jig.  And when I am lucky enough to be holding both you and Dante?  Well, knock me over with a feather.  I love how much you love being held.  I love that you recently discovered your feet.  And I love that hair of yours!  The mullet/rat tail is a bit much, but I'm sure as soon as you can sit still and I have a car that will make it to Colorado Springs, Miz Debbie will happily fix that for you.  I really hope we've licked this cowlick thing, too.  Your hair has been looking mighty funky!  Ha!

All in all, I am so thrilled to have the privilege of being Mama to the likes of you two.  You are both such strong, precious little beings...I can't wait (but at the same time, I really can!) to see how the two of you decide to change the world.  Please smile for the camera.